Blueberries Bursting with Goodness!
Whether you eat them by the handful or stir them into your yogurt or smoothie, these little blue beauties are big on nutrition and flavor. Welch’s® Fresh blueberries are a great source of antioxidants—one of the highest among all fruits, vegetables, spices, and seasonings.
Did You Know?
Welch’s® Fresh blueberries are grown in the United States, Argentina, Canada, and Chile.
You can enjoy them year round.
One cup of Welch’s® Fresh blueberries contains only 84 calories. They are rich in antioxidant phytonutrients, flavonoids, and fiber. They are a good source of vitamin K, vitamin C, manganese, and copper.
Strawberries: The Sweet Taste of Summer
Brighten your breakfast, pack ‘em as a snack in your kid’s lunch, or add to your favorite salad. Welch’s® Fresh strawberries are a ruby-red feast for your eyes as well as your taste buds. One of the most versatile and popular fruits around, they are associated with the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and certain types of cancer. They may also improve the regulation of blood sugar, decreasing the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Did You Know?
Welch’s® Fresh strawberries are grown throughout the United States.
One cup of Welch’s® Fresh strawberries contains only 46 calories. They are among the fruits and vegetables ranked highest in health-promoting antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients. In addition, strawberries provide more than 100% daily value of vitamin C and are a good source of manganese, iodine, folate, copper, and fiber.
Frequently Asked Questions
What’s the best method for selecting perfect blueberries?
Choose blueberries that are firm and have a lively, uniform color with a whitish bloom. Shake the container, noticing whether the berries have a tendency to move freely; if they do not, this may indicate that they are soft and damaged or moldy. Avoid berries that appear dull in color or are soft and watery in texture. They should be free from moisture since the presence of water will cause the berries to decay.
How should I store my blueberries?
Store your blueberries in a covered container in the refrigerator, where they will keep for about one week. Always check blueberries before storing and remove any damaged berries to prevent the spread of mold. Don’t wash blueberries until right before eating, as washing will remove the bloom that protects the fruit’s skin from degradation. If kept out at room temperature for more than one day, blueberries may spoil.
Can I freeze blueberries? How long will they last?
Yes. Before freezing, wash, drain, and remove any damaged berries. To better ensure uniform texture upon thawing, spread the berries out on a cookie sheet or baking pan, place in the freezer until frozen, and then put the berries in a plastic bag for storage in the freezer. Blueberries should last up to one year in the freezer. Frozen berries are a great addition to smoothies!
What is the secret to picking perfect strawberries?
Choose strawberries that are firm, plump, free of mold, and look for berries that have a shiny, deep red color and attached green caps. Once picked, strawberries do not ripen further, so avoid those that are dull in color or have green or yellow patches since they are likely to be sour and of inferior quality. Strawberries are very perishable, they should only be purchased a few days prior to use. Studies show two days as the maximal time for strawberry storage without major loss of vitamin C and polyphenol antioxidants. Store in your refrigerator’s storage bin or in a sealed container.
Do small strawberries taste better than large ones?
Flavor is influenced by growing conditions like weather, stage of ripeness when harvested, and variety. Size is not a factor in determining flavor.
Can I freeze strawberries?
Yes. One popular method is to freeze whole berries without sugar to maintain shape and health benefits. Rinse, then gently blot dry and slice stem off at top of berry. Place cut side down on a cookie sheet lined with waxed paper and place uncovered in freezer for a minimum of six hours. Transfer strawberries to a freezer bag or container. Frozen strawberries can be stored frozen for several months.
Are genetically modified organisms (GMOs) used to grow strawberries?
No. There are no genetically modified strawberries commercially grown and shipped. Different varieties are developed for different climates and growing conditions, but they are developed using traditional breeding methods that involve selecting two parents and crossing them using their flowers.